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Ropes vs Retractables – Fall Protection on Metal roofs- Stay safe and get the job done

In this video we compare ropes to using retractables for fall protection when working on metal roofs.

Author: admin



  1. Erik Bogart

    is nice when we get to an age when we choose practicality over flash. i know i bought several things over the years because i had seen larger companies doing so, or the thought id look more professional. what makes you look professional is doing the work in a professional manner. no one ever said, “those roofers were great, should have seen all the sweet yo-yos they had, man were they pros”. the only time I’d take a yo-yo over rope is when im on scaffolding. there’s already enough crap up there, the ropes just cause more confusion. the yo-yo when put up high lines back and isnt in the way. other wise i use rope everytime. do you prefer those nylon though? i just hate the feel of a plasticy rope. i know they’re cheaper but i hate gloves and grab my rope alot

  2. mule spur

    I agree I built barns for 30 years and there’s no feeling like having a snug rope on you, and adjust as you go down grade. I tried them seat belt type self retractable and it’s like not having any support unless you jerk on it and just lean on it that I don’t like!!!!! And also prusik knots are your best bet if you Don’t have a rope grabber.

  3. j boland

    Correct me if I am wrong but I believe professional rescuers and climbers are still using the rope style systems to safely get the job done and save lives. I have yet to see any retractable type gear in the emergency services and such.

  4. akaredcrossbow

    What do you do when the metal roof doesn’t have standing seams to attach an anchor to for the safety harness? Most metal roofs in my area don’t have standing seams, what is the suggestion you have to anchor to something like this?
    Thank You 👍🏻👍🏻

    1. Exterior Pro Roofing

      You may try to use a butterfly style anchor that screws into the wood. You’ll have to move them as you install the roof. For doing repair work on existing screw down metal each set up will be a little different as you cant just shoot a butterfly down on top of the existing metal but I can recommend a specialized metal roofing shoe called a cougar paw https://youtu.be/YSM5WpPl2so that will help you move and work on metal. Keep in mind these shoes don’t replace fall protection but the do help a lot during set up and break down of ropes and safety lines on existing metal

  5. jose reyes

    I do agree that rope is definitely the way to go for most applications when doing metal roofs, especially when you are working near the edge and the panels are already installed. Personally I like to carry both and only try to use the rope for the edge of the roof where I need a better hold. Ropes are much cheaper, but they do tend to get in the way more, especially if you are working up on the roof with a couple more guys and all are using ropes as it’s shown on this video.

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